Tuesday, 5 August 2014

It's a Family Affair

My cute, 3yr old nephew insisted that we take pictures of him showing of his new haircut...guess it, runs in the family.

I'm generally not a huge fan of metallic sand iridescent suits but this one worked well.


 Ox Blood and Silver/Grey really work well together, reminds of a blade with blood on it...but that's just me. 


Friday, 1 August 2014


Last week we did this shoot hoping to get vision, I had for some time , into a reality which is a vintage train station scene. For some reason trains  and train stations inspire thoughts of romantic times gone by. This time it was no different. we got some terrific shots and please don't hesitate to weigh in on what you think these.

Thanks again to Awonke from SaveAge Photography for the awesome quality shoots.

I went for the country traveller look underpinned by: A Knitted sports jacket; Maroon and ochre regimental tie with a gold tie bar on a white shirt; Brown pinstripe slacks; and derby boots.

Mtetho is wearing: A Classic ox blood sports jacket; with a white shirt with a checkered tie and blue pocket square; washed navy chinos; and two tone oxford lace-ups.